Living At Nova BSC
American high school affiliation
At Nova BSC, students are registered as enrolled as international students at the American high school and hold the same status as students in America. They are able to get an I-20 at any time to continue their studies in the United States.
American High School International Student Status
Students who enter our school at Grade 9 will possess a full four-year transcript from the American high school. The college application support materials such as the academic transcripts and recommendation letters are submitted by college counselors at the American schools. When students apply to college, they do so with the same status as an international student who is studying in America. The recommendation letters are written by their counselor and teachers from Boston campus.
Powerful cooperation between American Education & Chinese Education
The academic curriculum and course content at the Chinese campus is based on the corresponding curriculum at the Boston schools. Teachers from the Boston campus share course content with colleagues at the Chinese campus. In this sense, the same curriculum is taught by teachers in both Boston and Beijing. When students enter the school, they will be assigned to a counselor from Boston campus who provides professional academic guidance and advice.

Boarding Life
We are a boarding school in Beijing. With our exceptional teacher-student ratio of 1:2, our faculty and students develop a special bond and together form a close-knit learning community. Our teachers provide full support for our students in many facets of school life, including academic literacy, study habits, and emotional and cognitive development. This strong teacher support ensures students will be prepared to adapt to high school life in America.